Route Server

CXC operates so-called route server systems according to RFC7947 to facilitate the exchange of BGP announcements between peers atCXC. Each peer needs only to set up a BGP connection to the route server in order to receive the BGP announcements of all other peers having a BGP connection with the route server.

CXC operates a minimum one route server at each of its clusters, other locations may have more than one route server for redundancy.

Route ServerIPv4 AddressIPv6 Address
RS#1 Denpasar103.225.171.452400:9c80:0:171::171
RS#2 Denpasar103.225.171.712400:9c80:0:171::71
RS#1 Jakarta103.225.173.12400:9c80:0:173:0:1333:39:1
RS#2 Jakarta103.225.173.1292400:9c80:0:173:0:1333:39:2


CXC route servers are not in the forwarding path, and have IPv4 & IPv6 forward explicitly disabled.

Peering Network

CXC utilizes unique IPv4 and IPv6 addresses for the peering LAN:

PrefixDesciption LAN IPv4 Denpasar
2400:9c80:0:171::/64Peering LAN IPv6 Denpasar LAN IPv4 Jakarta
2400:9c80:0:173::/64Peering LAN IPv6 Jakarta

CXC utilizes AS133339 for all multilateral BGP adjacencies. AS133339 Should never appear in the AS_PATH of routes received from the route servers.

BGP Communities

CXC leverages BGP Communities to provide participants with the ability to control how their routes are announced to other multilateral participants.

Informational Communities

The following communities will be appended to any route received on aCXC route server, and may be used for granular route filtering or other informational purposes:

DescriptionStandart CommunitiesExtended CommunitiesLarge Communities
Route Denpasar Cluster65100:0rt:65100:065100:0:0
Route Jakarta Cluster65200:0rt:65200:065200:0:0
Announcement Control Communities

Standart Communities

65001:0Prepend advertising ASN 1 times to all participants
65002:0Prepend advertising ASN 2 times to all participants
65003:0Prepend advertising ASN 3 times to all participants
65001:$PEER-ASPrepend advertising ASN 1 times to participant with ASN $PEER-AS
65002:$PEER-ASPrepend advertising ASN 2 times to participant with ASN $PEER-AS
65003:$PEER-ASPrepend advertising ASN 3 times to participant with ASN $PEER-AS
0:64999Don't export to all participant
0:$PEER-ASDon't export to participant with ASN $PEER-AS
65515:$PEER-ASOnly export to participant with ASN $PEER-AS (this only work with 0:64999)

Extended Communities

Extended CommunityAction
rt:65001:0Prepend advertising ASN 1 times to all participants
rt:65002:0Prepend advertising ASN 2 times to all participants
rt:65003:0Prepend advertising ASN 3 times to all participants
rt:65001:$PEER-ASPrepend advertising ASN 1 times to participant with ASN $PEER-AS
rt:65002:$PEER-ASPrepend advertising ASN 2 times to participant with ASN $PEER-AS
rt:65003:$PEER-ASPrepend advertising ASN 3 times to participant with ASN $PEER-AS
rt:0:64999Don't export to all participant
rt:0:$PEER-ASDon't export to participant with ASN $PEER-AS
rt:65515:$PEER-ASOnly export to participant with ASN $PEER-AS (this only work with rt:0:64999)

Large Communities

Large CommunityAction
65001:0:0Prepend advertising ASN 1 times to all participants
65002:0:0Prepend advertising ASN 2 times to all participants
65003:0:0Prepend advertising ASN 3 times to all participants
65001:0:$PEER-ASPrepend advertising ASN 1 times to participant with ASN $PEER-AS
65002:0:$PEER-ASPrepend advertising ASN 2 times to participant with ASN $PEER-AS
65003:0:$PEER-ASPrepend advertising ASN 3 times to participant with ASN $PEER-AS
64999:0:0Don't export to all participant
64999:0:$PEER-ASDon't export to participant with ASN $PEER-AS
65515:0:$PEER-ASOnly export to participant with ASN $PEER-AS (this only work with 64999:0:0)
Blackholing Service

To mitigate DDoS attack, CXC provide a blackhole next-hop address for both IPv4 and IPv6 address-families. These next-hop addresses will resolves (via ARP/ND) to a predefined blackhole MAC address, which will be dropped by our switch port ingress filter where members are directly connected and thereby preventing DDoS traffic from reaching its destination. CXC blackholing (BH) service is available on our Route Servers (RS) and members are encouraged to participate. Please read more about our Blackholing Service here.

Open Internet Exchange
Peering DB
Peering DB