We make every effort to keep membership fees as low as possible. Any excess profit collected from membership fees is put back into improving the ecosystem through new hardware, features, or expansions.

Port Fees
Direclty Connected

Port fees are calculated on a per-port basis, and collected on a monthly basis and may differ depending on facility or data centers location.

We work closely with facility or data center partners to ensure participants are able to access CXC as inexpensively as possible.

For questions regarding port fees please contact to hello@cloudxchange.id

Shared or Through Carrier Provider

Participants connected with shared partner participant or through carrier provider may be charged a fee from carrier provider or shared partner participant. CXC does not charge any fees far end port by carrier provider or shared participants. Please ask your shared partner participant or carrier provider regarding this type of fees.

Open Internet Exchange
Peering DB
Peering DB